Now Supplements DHA-500 Fish Oil For Brain Health Softgels, 90 ct

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ANG 49.46

Molecularly distilled – enteric coated: Now DHA-500 contains twice as much DHA (500 mg per softgel) as our regular strength product (250 mg per softgel). Those who experience nausea or reflux from other fish oils should find this enteric-coated, fragrance-controlled softgel to be more tolerable, support brain health/Cardiovascular support: From the FDA: Supportive, but inconclusive, studies show that the consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. This natural fish oil concentrate is manufactured under strict quality control standards, GMP Quality Assurance: NPA A-rated GMP certification means that every aspect of the NOW manufacturing process has been examined, including our laboratory/testing methods (for stability, efficacy and product formulation).