MP MusclePharm Combat Advanced Time Released Protein Powder, Cookies and Cream, 2 lbs
26 servings per container
25 grams of muscle-building protein per serving
Digests at varying rates to put amino acids into the blood for up to 8 hours afterward
Fast, medium and slow releasing proteins
Digestive enzyme blend for an easy absorption
Made with whey protein concentrates, hydrolysates and isolates, egg albumen, micellar casein
Whey Protein Isolate breaks down fast to infuse muscle-building amino acids
Micellar casein digests slowly to put amino acids into the body over hours to protect muscle tissue
Whey protein concentrate is close to whole foods, contains real subfractions
Egg albumen is high in BCAA and arginine, contributes to hormone production, muscle building
Digestive enzyme blend – 60 mg added for protein digestion and absorption
Added BCAAs and glutamine to support muscle growth, immune systems and promote recovery
Muscle Pharm won “Brand of the Year” from BodyBuilding.com in 2012 in an industry with more than 500 brands